directed by Vanya Peirani-Vignes
They have 30 minutes to save their family...
In a Parisian parking lot Sonia finds herself trapped in her car with her son and the daughter of her boyfriend Fred, who has been left outside, powerless to deal with the situation: an anti-tank mine has been set under the car. Sonia is a bomb-disposal expert, who works for a NGO with Fred. She just got back from a mission in Ukraine and, while she's used to face dangerous situations, with the children's lives on the line the stakes have never been higher. Along with colleagues Igor and Camille, who came to the rescue, Sonia and Fred have 30 minutes to diffuse the bomb and work out who could be the mastermind behind this. Will they stand united until the end or will the family implode under pressure?

THRILLER DCP/HD - 2020 - France - 90min
CAST Nora Arnezeder, Pierre Kiwitt , Rasha Bukvic, Sara Mortensen, Edouard Montoute
PRODUCED BY Loïc Magneron (WIDE)

VANYA PEIRANI-VIGNES (b. 1973) honed his craft during a decade-long role as assistant director to French cinema legend Claude Lelouch and celebrated the successful release of his adrenaline-filled debut feature, Blast, in 2022. Vanya’s hour-long documentary, Revivre à la Nouvelle-Orléans, documented the destruction of Hurricane Katrina and he also produced shorts for the environmental NGO, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. He has collaborated with highly regarded screenwriters and completed a TV pilot which premiered at the SerieSerie Festival in Fontainebleau. He’s worked alongside award-winning cinematographers such as Thierry Arbogast (La Femme Nikita, Angel A) and Michael Seresin (Midnight Express, Harry Potter) with whom he shot a wry, beautifully-shot short The Cab Ride. Well-travelled, with 5 years in Thailand and Dublin spent writing, he won ‘Best Director’ at the UK’s Horror Film Festival, Grimmfest, for his psychological thriller Blast which also secured the ‘Best Feature’ jury prize at the Festival POLAR de Cognac. Vanya is currently writing a TV Show Bible thriller about an officer in a Parisian special police unit.